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Clay Schwinger



Brandon Russell

Brandon Russell and Clay Schwinger surfing

At our company, we believe that great things can happen when passion and friendship come together. This is the story of C&B - two childhood friends who, after years of playing PeeWee football together, became roommates at UCCS.


Clay, who had worked for a Christmas light company in high school, had a brilliant idea to start their own business selling Christmas lights out of their dorm room. With lights on one side and their beds on the other, C&B quickly gained traction and began creating stunning displays all over Colorado Springs.


Now, after five successful seasons of holiday lighting, C&B is proud to have built over 540 unique displays, and we're excited to expand our offerings to include permanent lighting solutions in 2023.


Our commitment to quality, creativity, and exceptional service is at the heart of everything we do, and we can't wait to continue bringing joy and beauty to homes and businesses throughout our community.

Enjoy this  video
of a young C&B

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C and B House with string of Christmas lights logo


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